Sunday, March 17, 2013

Pendawa getaway

Home for the next few days...


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Going on a road trip

Today we are leaving kuta and going on a road trip along the coast. So excited for it! Finally we can totally relax and go to the beach all day. It's supposed to be really clear beaches where we are going which will be nice for a change kuta beach this time of year is really dirty :(

The place we are going to stay at has a pool and air con and all new facilities and is only $30 a night! It'll be a nice getaway.

So far I have spent less than $200 and its nearly been a whole week !! Goes to show how cheap it is here (hint hint mum and dad ) ;) and that's accommodation and everything coming out of the $200

Pritty proud of myself haha


Finally some pictures !!

Morning coffee time at the hotel :)

Our bed when we were in balian, with the mosquito net all around. 
Abit romantic if u ask me ;)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

In the vortex of kuta

After spending a few days in balian we are now in the heart and busyness of kuta!! Balian was soo quiet and peaceful. Nice just to relax and do nothing! The reason we started our holiday up there was because the hindu New Years festival was on! It's called nyepi so they close down absolutely everything, all the shops, roads, beaches. Your not even aloud out of your room.
Balian isn't as strict with it that's why we went there. But even all the electricity is banned from being turned on.
So now kuta is pretty much back to normal, busy again. So we won't stay here to long. Maybe get a car and head off somewhere new?
Time is going so quick, But so far loving the holiday! Love not having to do anything or be anywhere at a certain time. We can just relax and do what ever we feel like and be in no rush to go somewhere. Best way to live :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Settling in

So after an extremely hard and draining day leaving the country and saying goodbye to the family we arrived in Bali ! Arrived last night around 9pm then we drive another 2 hours along the coast line to a little place called balian. It is absolutely beautiful! We are staying in a little villa opposite the beach, with a few friends. Soo good to be back here and the food is amazing!! Met some new friends which is exciting.

Oh and so far the back pack sucks!!! It's soo heavy and harsh rubbing on my shoulders! So I'll See how I go with it, hopefully it gets abit more comfortable..

I'll post some pictures soon, just trying to work this blog out so bear with me haha :)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

So its less than 24hrs until we leave, very excited but nervous aswell. nervous to leave my family, and anxious because its all so new. Theres so many new places im about to see and experience. I just want this next day to fly by so i can get on the plane and finally relax and not have a thousand things running through my mind. The dream is finally becoming a reality... :)